We have 4 days until we can hold our sweet boy in our arms! I visited the doctor this week, and she has scheduled to induce me on Tuesday, April 8th. We are all so excited to meet Asher Kenneth! Katie can't wait, she just kisses my tummy all of the time and calls him Ashy-pea and bubby.
I have so many things to do at home this weekend to get the house ready to come home to, but lately I've just had no energy. I really need to make an effort to get up early on Saturday morning and just clean, clean, clean! I want to clean out the car really well, and I want to steam clean the living room carpet. I also want to reorganize the laundry room and hall closets. I need to mop, and fold and put away all of the laundry. I need to clean our bedroom because Kris's mom will be visiting and it will be her room for a couple days. I'm kind of doubting that ALL of those things will get done...but they are goals of mine and will keep me busy while we wait! I have our bags packed, cameras ready, I think I've got it under control...but possibly not. I am SOOOOOOO nervous! I told Kris this morning that I just have major anxiety today! I think it' s because it's my last day of work for 3 months, the baby is coming, AND it's our 10 year anniversary, and I completely forgot to get a card or anything for Kris! Yikes! Ok-enough of this rambling...I am so stinking nervous!
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11 hours ago