Goodness gracious...things have been so busy! I know that's a terrible excuse for not blogging, but it's true! It seems like the summer just flew by! Seriously, it seems like summer was 2 weeks long, instead of 12! School starts next week, and our Katie girl will be in 4th (yes-4th!) grade! She is super excited about school starting, and I am super excited about her not being bored to tears every day! Summer was full of activities her, but these last couple weeks of no activities revolving around her have been "boring"...apparently! She just got back from a couple days with Meme and Papa in Grove, and had a good time swimming with her cousins and watching the Disney channel. :o) Asher has just been growing and growing! He turned 15 months old last month, and got his first haircut AND started walking, all in the same week! He will be 16 months in a couple days. He's still a little wobbly with his walking, but he has learned to turn corners, get up and down from sitting, and even "runs" when he wants to get somewhere quickly (like out the front door!). He loves going outside, even when it's 100 degrees! I am really looking forward to some cooler temperatures so we can just go outside and stay for a while.
Kris started working a new schedule, he works 3-12 hour days on and has 3 days off, then 3-12 hour days, etc. We are LOVING it. We have never had so much time together as a family! It seems like it has given him some time to kind of catch-up on his "honey-do" list, too, which is a bonus for me! We had a big garage sale, re-claimed about 20 square feet of our garage, and now he has space to work on the woodwork for Katie's room. I started a big project of taking the wallpaper off in the kitchen, can't wait to paint...trying to decide between my favorite barn red and a mossy-sage green. :o) Our counter tops, sink, and flooring is a creamy color, and our cabinets are dark wood, so I'm thinking the green might look better...just not sure...anyhoo, I'm just glad to redecorate!
I'm still working part time as a case manager for foster care, but there are some rumors going around about layoff's in my department, and I would be first to go. I know it will be ok--whatever God has planned is ok with me. We're not quite where we wanted to be financially for me to stay at home, but sometimes we just have to trust, and know that God is God...and he knows what's best for us.
Well, I just wanted to pop in and update, because it's been such a long time. I really want to start blogging again more often...I just love it, and I know the kids will love reading it someday.
Style Showcase 283
10 hours ago