Tuesday, August 19, 2014

First day of school!

Katie started high school today....oh...this mama is struggling with this! But she did great!  She really enjoyed it!  She said that she likes all of her classes, except PE, and is excited to be with her friends again!  She looked so beautiful on her way out the door!  She picked the outfit out by herself...complete with her Converse...of course!  Her friend Orianna came to walk to school with her, and they were both just bubbling with anticipation!  They didn't seem nervous at all! 

And my Asher boy started 1st grade!  Seems impossible as well!  He was so excited to wear one of his new Star Wars t-shirts, and to take his new backpack...he was pretty nervous though, and there were a couple of times I thought he might change his mind and just stay home with Mama!  He did great though, and walked right in to sit in his line!  Claire decided she would like to sit in his line with him, and I almost had to wrestle her to get her to leave Asher...she loves her brother so much!


So now there is just Claire and I on the days that Daddy works, and we are going to be ok...we miss them so much already, but I am sure we will find some things to do. :) 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Getting a little anxious for fall to arrive and a yummy new recipe!

I haven't started decorating and feathering our nest/home for fall yet, but I had to do SOMETHING to remind me of the hope and promise of autumn being on it's way...so I decorated the blog instead, with some photos from last year's beauty!  I love opening my blog and seeing all this prettiness!

We are gearing up for school that starts next week!  Most of the school supplies have been rounded up, and Katie is going shopping for school clothes tomorrow with my friend Melisa (because she is much cooler and lots more fun to shop with than mom!) It will be fun to see what she picks out!  She has been saving her money from summer work to add to her clothes budget, so hopefully she will get some things she really likes and will feel cute and comfortable in!  We found some great deals on her favorite shoes...Converse All Stars, and she was able to get three pair for less than the full price of one pair...super score!

As of this moment, Claire and I will be staying home again this year, with the possibility of me substitute teaching on Kris's days off and on days when my friend Emmalee has openings in her daycare.  I am also trying to decide whether to send her to 3 year old pre-school or not.  She is so very smart, and I know she would love it, so we will probably send her.  It's only 2 mornings a week, so surely she (and Mama) will survive that little bit of separation!

I wanted to share a new recipe that I tried this morning.  We had sautéed some veggies (onions, peppers, mushrooms, and grape tomatoes) the other night to serve over our steaks, and we had lots of leftovers.  I decided to try and make a breakfast frittata/crustless quiche with them this morning.  It was so easy and really yummy!  I also had a few strips of bacon leftover from BLT's, so I chopped that up, cooked it in the iron skillet, drained it just a little, then added the leftover veggies and sautéed a little longer.  I scooped those into a pie plate, and poured beaten eggs (mixed with a tiny bit of milk and salt and pepper) over it and baked at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, then another 10 minutes at 350 degrees.  Yummy!

This morning the weather was so nice, the kids and I sat outside for a long time just listening to the birds wake up and the wind blowing through the trees.  I just felt overwhelmed with blessings.  I feel so fortunate to have this life...to have Kris, and the kids...alone those would be more than I ever dreamed of, but God also gave me a great little home, the means to be a stay at home mama (at least for a while), and countless other blessings.  I want to remember these "blessing" moments so that on the days when I am feeling down, or stressed, or depression creeps in I can read these posts and KNOW that God is sovereign and loves me. 
I wanted to add...I am so sad about the death of Robin Williams.  It made me think about others I know who struggle with depression.  I want to make sure that I try to do something, anything, to encourage people who are hurting.  If for some crazy reason you are reading this...and you don't know the hope of knowing Jesus as your savior, or if you are struggling with depression or anything that you just don't think you can handle alone...just say a little prayer...leave a comment...I would love to pray for you too.  I have been to some dark places of depression...and I know that the pain is more intense than anyone can imagine...but please know that there is a God in heaven who loves you more than you could ever, ever imagine!