Well, it's 11pm, and I am up making Mama Alexander's Baked Beans and checking for cavity bugs. Maybe I should explain...Katie had dental health awareness month at pre-school last winter sometime, and the hygenist told the kids that if they did not brush their teeth, then the "cavity bugs" would crawl around in their mouths and eat their teeth (ewww!!) or at least that is what Katie got out of the presentation. So now, every night, before she goes to bed, she brushes her teeth (which is wonderful!!) but has me check every single tooth for cavity bugs! The rest of her nightly routine (which is usually at least 2 hours earlier than it is tonight) is to ask me about twenty times, "Will you check on me and lay with me?" and then to eventually come into our bedroom a few times to make sure we are there and to make sure we know that she loves us! She avoids settling down to sleep at all costs!
Now, I will explain why I am up so late making beans...for the love of my dear Grandma! She requested our special recipe baked beans for our annual family spring/summer get together at Cedar Bluff tomorrow. Kris's Mom started making this recipe many years ago, and they became very popular at our rehearsal dinner for our wedding, and we have been making them and taking them everywhere we go ever since! They are made simply with 6 regular sized cans of pork and beans (pork discarded), 1 lb bacon (crisp and crumbled), onion (1 medium) (chopped and fried in left over bacon grease), 1lb ground beef (cooked and crumbled) some bbq sauce-1/4 c. or so, some ketchup 1/4 cup or little more, some garlic powder, salt and pepper, a few shakes (6-8) of liquid smoke and the best part--- a TON of brown sugar (well, not a ton, but about 3/4 of a bag!) They are so good! We were out of bacon and liquid smoke, so we had to go to WM to get those things, so now, here I am...cooking...late at night!
Katie had a little bit of sleepy sillies in WM tonight, she ran over to the lobster tank and said, "that crab (which was really a lobster) wiggled his ears at me!" hee, hee! She was a maniac in WM tonight...that's what I get for dragging her out so late!
Gotta go stir the beans...they smell really yummy!
Style Showcase 283
18 hours ago
1 comment:
your recipe for beans sounds so good!! i usually just take the can of beans and add applesauce!! i guess i keep it simple!! lol!! i love the idea of 'cavity bugs' i will have to remember that one!!
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