Well, it has been a few months since I have added an entry. I really do want to try and do this. I just find that I am not motivated sometimes. I have some things I need to ramble about today. Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi this week. The damage and destruction is devastating. I have just been overwhelmed every time I read or see news about it. I am sad for those people who did not get out in time. Kris and I have been talking about how incredibly blessed we are to have a dry house, a dry yard, and cars to drive. When I think of the devastation down there, I am just grateful...for everything..our family being safe, our jobs, our home, our lives...
Katie started kindergarten this year. She was so happy. We decided to send her to the Bible school, because of the commute between our town and where I work. The schedule would have been to complicated. I am happy that she is going there though. On the first day of school, I watched through the little window in the door, as they held their Bibles in one hand, and covered their hearts with their other to say the Pledge of Allegance. Then they sat at their desks and bowed their little heads to pray. It just made me feel so incredibly good to see that. At that point, I knew she was exactly where she needed to be. When I picked her up and asked her how it went, she said "I love Kindergarten---it was awesome!" I am so glad she is happy...that is what I want the most for her.
Our life at home has changed quite a bit since I last journaled. Kris's work schedule changed to weekends, so he works all day Sat, Sun, and Mon, and part of a day Wed. The new schedule has really taken a toll on all of us. He is pretty tired most of the time, and we see each other a lot less than we are used to. He also has to miss church, and I know he is really struggling with this. We know God has a plan for all of this, and that he is working things out in his own timing. We are just praying for patience and grace to get through this. We miss each other, we miss our time together as a family. We miss our time together as a family in church. Things will get better. God is faithful.
I am really going to try and do better on my journaling...I really am. I had forgotten how therapeutic it is just to write things down.
Style Showcase 283
18 hours ago
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