Yay! My favorite season is almost here! In fact, I know I am insane, but I have a yummy spice candle burning, and my Chet Atkins-East Tennessee Christmas cd playing right now here at work. It's cloudy today, not too warm, and I love it.
Kris left for Emporia for a training for work, so I think Katie and are going to just have an easy dinner (probably Mac-n-cheese, carrots, and mini corndogs) and spend some time together. She has karate tonight too, she loves it so much! Her favorite thing to do these days is draw pictures for me. She sits at the bar while I clean the kitchen, cook dinner, or whatever, and asks me what I would like her to draw. It's amazing-she's seven-but she can draw almost anything in incredible detail. She's gifted, I tell you! I will try and scan some of her most recent ones to add here later.
We are 11 weeks pregnant, according to the ultrasound, today. It's hard to think that just a couple weeks ago, I thought I was already this far along. I think next week will finally feel like we are making progress through the pregnancy. I had Kris take some pictures of me this morning, just to compare later as I get bigger, and have some photos from my pregnancy. I only have 2 pictures of being pregnant with Katie...I wish I had more. I am so glad I have a good camera for this baby. I want to make sure to take lots of pictures during labor and right after delivery. I have very few from Katie's birth. We only had a film camera back then, so the digital will be nice to have.
I have been thinking about Christmas gifts, and this year will be the most financially limited that we have ever been, because we no longer use credit cards. Every year I go overboard and have a huge credit card bill. This year, we will be using a little bonus that Kris will get in December. We have to buy all the presents with just that money, because our budget is so tight each payday. We would like to get a Wii for Katie, and had bought a game bundle with an extra controller a long time ago to go with it. I think she'll also be getting Little House on the Prairie-Season 2 DVD's. Both of those are kind of family presents, that we will all enjoy. I would like to get some things for the baby, because by Christmas we should know what we're having! :o) I think Katie would like to open the presents for the baby, just for fun. She wants the Barbie with a horse at Wal-Mart, and she also would like the Littlest Pet Shop Guard Dog Diary...so we will see on those things...I might try and buy one of those little gifts each payday within the next 3 months.
We continue to pray for Tim and Trina Holsinger. He was moved to a rehabilitation center in Nebraska this week. If you go to caringbridge.org you can type in his full name with no spaces and read Trina's amazing testimony and updates on Tim. I read it everyday, and Trina has been such an inspiration. She has an amazing faith, and God is working through her to minister to everyone who reads it. She shared this verse today:
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God;Trust also in me.-Jesus
John 14:1
I think that's all for now. Sorry so rambly today---lots going on in my brain!
Kris left for Emporia for a training for work, so I think Katie and are going to just have an easy dinner (probably Mac-n-cheese, carrots, and mini corndogs) and spend some time together. She has karate tonight too, she loves it so much! Her favorite thing to do these days is draw pictures for me. She sits at the bar while I clean the kitchen, cook dinner, or whatever, and asks me what I would like her to draw. It's amazing-she's seven-but she can draw almost anything in incredible detail. She's gifted, I tell you! I will try and scan some of her most recent ones to add here later.
We are 11 weeks pregnant, according to the ultrasound, today. It's hard to think that just a couple weeks ago, I thought I was already this far along. I think next week will finally feel like we are making progress through the pregnancy. I had Kris take some pictures of me this morning, just to compare later as I get bigger, and have some photos from my pregnancy. I only have 2 pictures of being pregnant with Katie...I wish I had more. I am so glad I have a good camera for this baby. I want to make sure to take lots of pictures during labor and right after delivery. I have very few from Katie's birth. We only had a film camera back then, so the digital will be nice to have.
I have been thinking about Christmas gifts, and this year will be the most financially limited that we have ever been, because we no longer use credit cards. Every year I go overboard and have a huge credit card bill. This year, we will be using a little bonus that Kris will get in December. We have to buy all the presents with just that money, because our budget is so tight each payday. We would like to get a Wii for Katie, and had bought a game bundle with an extra controller a long time ago to go with it. I think she'll also be getting Little House on the Prairie-Season 2 DVD's. Both of those are kind of family presents, that we will all enjoy. I would like to get some things for the baby, because by Christmas we should know what we're having! :o) I think Katie would like to open the presents for the baby, just for fun. She wants the Barbie with a horse at Wal-Mart, and she also would like the Littlest Pet Shop Guard Dog Diary...so we will see on those things...I might try and buy one of those little gifts each payday within the next 3 months.
We continue to pray for Tim and Trina Holsinger. He was moved to a rehabilitation center in Nebraska this week. If you go to caringbridge.org you can type in his full name with no spaces and read Trina's amazing testimony and updates on Tim. I read it everyday, and Trina has been such an inspiration. She has an amazing faith, and God is working through her to minister to everyone who reads it. She shared this verse today:
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God;Trust also in me.-Jesus
John 14:1
I think that's all for now. Sorry so rambly today---lots going on in my brain!
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