Monday, October 29, 2007

17 weeks this week!

Yay! I can't believe how fast time is going now--we're 17 weeks this week! I have my triple screen test this week, and NEXT WEEK is our SONOGRAM! I am so stoked! I can' t wait to see if we're having a boy or girl. Kris and I feel so incredibly blessed! We were blessed just to have Katie, but to have another! The little photo above is from's a 17 week old baby 4D precious!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fun weekend...

We had a great weekend, lots of family time...sharing some pics! Bryce and Megan visited us and we went to the Neewollah parade! We carved our cat-o-lantern! Bobby and Mary Ann's sweet boy Tre arrived! He is precious! 19", 7#8oz--he's a sweetie pie! It was a nice weekend!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Nursery ideas...

Kris and I went uptown today for lunch, and we stopped at the hardware store to get some brackets for his shelves in the garage. They have a beautiful home decor section so we browsed in there for a little while. We found some really wonderful things for the baby's room. There is a print/painted framed art, that has Sweet Dreams, and a little sentiment on's a pretty dark baby blue with a dark brown frame. I am wondering about the possibility of doing the baby's room (if it's a boy) in dark baby blue and chocolate brown, and if it's a girl, in a darker baby pink and chocolate brown...with kind of a pottery barn feel. I think that would be so nice. Our crib and changing table are a walnut stain color, and the trim in the room is already walnut stain color too. I think it might be nice and calming. We are planning to have the crib, changing table, a rocker, and dresser in there. I can't wait to have it started. Ok--just needed to get these ideas down before I forget them!

happy and blessed

I had a doctor's appointment this morning, and I am just so happy. I got to hear the heartbeat--it was good and strong! Dr. was happy with my blood sugar levels, I only gained 1 pound and I don't have to go back for 4 whole weeks! Yay! I'm so incredibly blessed with this pregnancy...I never want to take it for granted.

I'm also happy that it is officially fall outside...the leaves are turning, the air is crisp, and it just feels great to be outdoors. Pam and I went for a walk last night, and I took a short one after my doctor appointment this morning. I know I can do those 30 minute walks every day, even if it's 10 minutes at a time! I want to do what's best for the baby...even if it means a little discomfort for me.

It's Neewollah week here, and the downtown area is FULL of food boothes, carnival rides, and the huge stage is set up! It's a weeklong celebration here that is just a huge deal! The Clydesdale horses are here, so I think we are going to try and take Katie down there after school to see them...Kris saw them this morning and said they are just beautiful!

It's a happy day...I am so blessed...thank you LORD! :o)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Forgot some blessings...

You at work, I was just tired and didn't want to be there. I was updating my blog on my break, and just was feeling kind of blah...I completely forgot about some wonderful little blessings until I was uploading photos from the past few days. I forgot that Katie picked out a big ol' bumpy pumpkin at the Pumpkin Patch for Missions, and I forgot how nice it was to light the fireplace for the first time last night. I just wanted to add that here, because those...the little things...are so incredibly important.

16 weeks!

Not too much new to report today. I met with the dietician, and she taught me how to count carbs so that my blood sugar levels will even out. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment, will hopefully hear the heartbeat with the doppler again...I've been kind of 'crampy" this week, so it will be a big relief to hear it. I think I have just been a little stressed...not sure why. We still have 24 weeks to go until we meet our sweet baby, but I am just so anxious to get the room ready. After we find out what we are having on November 7th, I will definitely be getting started on the room. We are trying to get Katie's new room cleared out so we can paint and re-do trim and doors, then we'll start on the babies room (Katie's old room).

Bobby and MaryAnn will be having their baby on Friday if she doesn't go on her own by then. We're all so excited to meet little Trey! I can't wait to hold him.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

15 Weeks!

Click the link above and scroll down to the middle of the page, there is an amazing 4D of a baby the same age as ours! So precious! I can't believe I have one of those miracles growing in ME!

We are 15 weeks this week, and suddenly, I feel ok about this pregnancy. There is something in me that just kind of relaxed this week, kind of like an internal sigh of relief. I have been so nervous and scared up to this point...just continuously worrying about the possibility of having to grieve again.

Pregnancy stuff coming up...
Friday, 19th-Meet with dietician
Wednesday, 24th-see Dr.
Thursday, 1st-lab tests-triple screen for Down's Syndrome
Wednesday, 7th-sonogram to see if we are having a daughter or son! :o)

Please keep praying for our little one!

Monday, October 15, 2007

A lot has happened since last Monday...

Anita had her baby on Monday, October 8th at 3:18 pm! He weighed 8.54 lbs and has dark hair. He decided to arrive on his own! Katie and I jumped in the car and drove to KC to see them. It was so nice to be there and see him and see Anita. Aiden is precious--just the sweetest little guy in the world! Mama did great-I knew she would!

Tuesday I took Katie to karate, and when I got home, I was super-ill...fever, vomiting, the whole nine yards...I felt awful. The next morning I went to go see the doctor, because I was really worried about the fever. She wanted to admit me to the hospital for fluids, but I promised I would drink and rest if she let me go home. She did a sonogram in the office to check baby, and baby is fine...great heartbeat, and I was able to see those precious arms and legs! She did a strep test, and it was positive...I had no idea that strep throat was the culprit...It really did me in, I felt terrible until Friday afternoon when the antibiotics finally kicked in. We scheduled our sonogram for Wednesday, November 7! We're so excited to find out what we're having-it's like another wonderful level of happiness! We're 15 weeks this week! Yay!

This weekend Kris cleaned and stained the new swingset. I think Katie is going to love it when it gets finished! It is looking really nice. Kris has worked so hard on it...he is a great dad!

Monday, October 08, 2007

14 weeks this week!

We saw the doctor last week, and she has decided to take an average between the day that our sonogram indicated we were due, and the date of my last rather than 13 weeks tomorrow, we're calculated to be at 14 weeks. We were able to hear the heartbeat again, and it was such a beautiful sound! We also found out that we will be having the sonogram to determine whether we are having a boy or girl on November 8th-just a month away! I am so excited! It will be wonderful to be able to start collecting things in colors besides yellow and white! Doctor is a little bit concerned about my blood sugar, so she is having me take several tests and check my blood sugar. I'm feeling a little better, and starting to have little bursts of energy here and there...those are nice.

We had MaryAnn's baby shower this weekend, and it went well. We also moved our garage sale find of the century (an amazing swingset and fort for Katie) into our backyard. I didn't get a lot of other things accomplished this weekend.

Anita's baby is coming on Friday! I'm so excited for her! :o) Yay!

Monday, October 01, 2007

12 weeks this week!

Check out this amazing 4D Ultrasound of a baby the same age as ours! I am just completely in awe of how amazing it is! I'm really hoping the next trimester will bring some energy. I have been so tired this first trimester. I don't remember being this tired with Katie.