I had a doctor's appointment this morning, and I am just so happy. I got to hear the heartbeat--it was good and strong! Dr. was happy with my blood sugar levels, I only gained 1 pound and I don't have to go back for 4 whole weeks! Yay! I'm so incredibly blessed with this pregnancy...I never want to take it for granted.
I'm also happy that it is officially fall outside...the leaves are turning, the air is crisp, and it just feels great to be outdoors. Pam and I went for a walk last night, and I took a short one after my doctor appointment this morning. I know I can do those 30 minute walks every day, even if it's 10 minutes at a time! I want to do what's best for the baby...even if it means a little discomfort for me.
It's Neewollah week here, and the downtown area is FULL of food boothes, carnival rides, and the huge stage is set up! It's a weeklong celebration here that is just a huge deal! The Clydesdale horses are here, so I think we are going to try and take Katie down there after school to see them...Kris saw them this morning and said they are just beautiful!
It's a happy day...I am so blessed...thank you LORD! :o)
Style Showcase 283
19 hours ago
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