I visited Dr. on Wednesday, and everything seems to be going well. She was super pleased with my blood sugar levels. I gained 4 pounds this month-yikes! So 6 pounds all together. I am hoping to get through pregnancy having gained 15-20 pounds, so I can lose the baby weight and be healthier than I was before pregnancy. I really want to get a good stroller so that I can take walks and get healthy after Asher is born. On Christmas Day, we will be 24 weeks, and if you divide that into 4 week months, then we are 6 months along! I think that's a great day to celebrate making it to 6 months! :o)
Are you ready for Christmas? I am...I think. I still have 3 gifts to buy, and I still have to get a few groceries. As crazy as it seems, I will probably try and make a middle of the night trip to Wal-Mart to do my grocery shopping, either tonight or tomorrow night. It's just too busy there during the day. Katie and I went at 7:30 this morning to get cookies for her class party, and it was busy already!
Katie has just been so excited for Christmas this year. I think it's because we are having 6 days chock-full of Christmas-y activities. Last night was her party at karate, today is her party at school, tonight we're heading to the movies to watch National Treasure. Tomorrow is Christmas with my side of the family at Crystal and Michael's, Sunday is her program at church, and Monday is, of course, Christmas Eve with Kris's side of the family coming to our house. The big finale will come with Christmas morning, opening gifts, seeing what Santa brought, and having a big brunch. I'm excited about all of this too, really...her little craziness is starting to rub off on me!
Style Showcase 283
19 hours ago
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