Wow--we are really coming in on the home stretch now--only 8 or 9 weeks to go! I am still feeling ok, but my fasting blood sugars have been a little high. Asher just keeps wiggling so much, Katie was totally cracking up watching my belly move this weekend. Just thinking about holding my sweet little guy makes me smile...
We had an ICE day yesterday, Katie didn't have school, so we got to spend an extra day together. It was nice. We had a good weekend together too. Kris and I both have commented the last few weekends that we've really been enjoying our time together. We've been staying home more, just being together. Some of our regular things we've been doing is curling up together on the couch and watching Mythbusters or Dirty Jobs from the Discovery channel. We have tons of episodes DVR'd--they are a lot of fun. We've been working on a 1000 piece puzzle for a few weeks--it's kicking our rear though--it's a hard one! Katie is the one who has found the most pieces! I don't mean to brag-but that girl of ours is SMART! She is so much more intelligent than Kris and I were at that age! She's amazing!
While writing my last post, I was really struggling with having faith and trust. I am starting to feel better about things, but I know I have a long way to go. The thing I am starting to realize is that I need to recommit myself to FULLY trusting God to meet my needs. I read this morning in the Bible that God knows my needs before I even ask him...I need to remember that every day. He--the creator of all things--the King of Kings and Lord of Lords knows MY needs. The way that I love and take care of Katie is so insignificant compared to the way that my FATHER loves and cares for me as his child. I just need to meditate on these truths...and believe.
Style Showcase 283
18 hours ago
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