We really enjoyed Christmas this year. We were able to spend Christmas Eve with Kris's family, and tonight we spent the evening with my family. I am so thankful that Katie and Asher have the grandparents and Aunts and Uncles that they do. Katie's Christmas was all about Kit Kittredge and Karate this year...she got her very first ever "real" American Girl doll, and she has not let Kit leave her side since the moment these pictures were taken Christmas morning. It's like having another daughter (except Kit is very quiet!) I absolutely love seeing her love a doll so much...it brings back very fond memories of the dolls that Crystal and I got for Christmas every year. Our dolls were so tattered and crazy-haired by the time we grew up...we loved each one of them and played with them all of the time! Mom always made clothes for them, or a diaper bag. One year dad made doll beds, and they were so beautiful...I really wish I had one of them for Katie to use for Kit. Well, I better get some sleep. Merry Christmas!
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10 hours ago