It's been snowing since early Saturday morning, we have about 8-9 inches on the MARCH! It's pretty, but I am READY for spring! Just cannot wait for warmer weather!
We are showing the house today at 4:00! The house was on the market one week! Praying so hard that they will LOVE it! I've been cleaning like crazy cakes, just trying to get ready! Going to pop some chocolate chip cookies in the oven around 3-ish, to make the kitchen smell yummy...just can't wait to hear what they think, and if we will have an offer! God answers prayers! We are so excited to move to the country and be nearly debt free. We just can't wait to see what God can do with us when we are not tied down to debt anymore. It's something we've struggled with since we first got together...debt. We just feel like there is going to be an amazing freedom once things are clear! It will be awesome!
Thursday we went to the Oklahoma Aquarium. The kids had a good time, but it was VERY crowded, and I am not sure we will try to go there again on a holiday/spring break, or a weekend again. We had lunch and then went to Bass Pro Shops. We got Asher some little Camo overalls for turkey hunting season coming up. They are so cute! Katie picked out some binoculars of her very own! They were on clearance, she is a bargain hunter already! Then we got shakes from Steak and Shake and headed home. We stopped at Goodwill in Bartlesville on the way home and I picked up a couple things for VBS. It was a good day!
Friday we went to Grove, to see Meme and Papa. Asher was a total ham for Meme, and Katie got to spend some time with Bryce and Megan. It was a beautiful day, in the 70's! I picked up some decorations for VBS for cheap! I'm starting to get excited about VBS this year! We decided on a Holy Land Adventure format, and we're visiting Joseph in Egypt. The kids were crazy about the Holy Land Adventure VBS we did 5 years ago, and we had the largest attendance that year.
I think that's all for now!
Style Showcase 283
18 hours ago
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