"Remember it is because He loves us that He waits. Immediate intervention would abort the far greater thing He has in mind. Trust Him for the greater." - Elisabeth Elliot
My friend Jo had this as her facebook status, and I think it's just a great quote...it was perfect timing for her to post it because I needed a little extra encouragement this morning. I keep thinking there is either something harmful that God is protecting us from, or something greater that he is hatching while we're waiting to sell the house. I just have to believe that he has a plan, and it's a good plan! I just have to remind myself of this, over and over, or Satan creeps in and makes me have doubts.
VBS is coming along, just 3 weeks until our Egypt adventure. It's been exciting and stressful, but overall, I've seen God's provision so many times already. We have all of our staff positions filled, about 60 adults and teens! Praise Him! So many people have said yes, and I am just so very thankful! We also have someone who has graciously offered to bake 15 loaves of fresh, open-hearth baked bread for us everyday! Amazing! We had a generous budget from the church, so we were able to get everything we need for the crafts. It's time to start buying the dried fruit and nuts, and the week of VBS we'll buy the fresh fruit. The marketplace will be set up in our Family Life Center, and I just think the kids are going to have a blast making bricks out of mud, visiting the animal courtyard on Friday, and trying their hand at writing hieroglyphics! The music is FABULOUS! I am ready to have VBS!
Style Showcase 283
18 hours ago
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