God’s Amazing Timeline for our Lives:
Leading Kris and I together, even though sin. Giving confirmation to us through street signs and sunflowers.
Giving us Katie, who was so beautiful and amazing, our first true look at what God can do!
The day that Kris found out about the vision center job and I found out about the case manager job in Indy.
The move to Indy was a direct (the most direct I’ve ever witnessed) reach of God’s arm to draw us to his side. He pulled us up from “the Pitt”, from our life of keeping up with the Jones, from “going to church most of the time” to “In-dependence on Him” through so many things, our new church family at Indy Naz, peers who lead us to deeper devotion, through so many things!
The struggles we had during the first year of living in Independence were also a way of God just reaching down, picking us up, holding us close to him, and comforting us. He comforted us through Katie’s hospitalizations with pneumonia, chest x-rays and testing for cystic fibrosis. He held us and provided for us while we paid the high rent and lived in the rental.
He was lovingly patient while we moved from Indy to Mound Valley, and kept us safe on the road each day. He gave us the relief from paying high rent with that move, and gave us a cute little home of our own.
He held us, comforted us, and got us through our miscarriage. He gave us strength to get through it, and gave us a child in Heaven to see someday.
He again was patient with our decision for Kris to work at the DC. He surrounded Kris with men of faith to work with, and lead him deeper into his faith. He let us sell the MV house, so that we could be closer to Kris’s work in Bartlesville.
He lead us to the calling of adopting Zac. He gave us wisdom of the Holy Spirit to discern that it might not have been the best decision, and helped Zac find a home where he was meant to be. He helped us love and appreciate Katie in an amazing way. Going through that was so difficult, but God had his hand in it…he was holding all of us, including Zac in his arms.
The entire time of moving to Caney, working at the dc, contemplating moving to Bartlesville, God still had the good and perfect plan for us to be in Independence. He drew us back to Independence, and provided Kris a job back in the store; he gave us our little rental home for a while. He protected Katie and I from carbon monoxide poisoning while there! He brought us here, to this home for a reason. He gave me Pam, to walk and talk with and lose a little bit of weight with, so that I could get pregnant and have our little Asher. We prayed for so long for another child, we cried and mourned the loss of our baby in Heaven and of Zac, but God had a plan to bring us Asher!
He has given me the opportunity to stay home with our children for a reason. He has given us so much. We just need to wait for his next answer, his next plan for us. I know his plans are best. We have learned that over the years of searching and moving and trying to plan things on our own. We know that HE LOVES US, and he wants what is best for us…so we will trust him…completely.
Style Showcase 283
18 hours ago
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