Yesterday we headed over to my parent's house to have a work day, and help them catch up with some yard work and house stuff. Lots of wood cutting, weed chopping, roof patching and fence building got done yesterday! Then we sat around the fire and roasted some hot dogs and GIANT marshmallows! It was a good day, and I think Mom and Dad were excited about all 6 grandkids visiting at one time.
I wasn't feeling too good this morning, and was up during the night quite a bit not feeling well, so the kids and I missed church today. Even though I missed being "at church" there was a certain relaxed feeling and comfort of staying home today with the cloudy weather and little bit of rain this afternoon. Asher and Katie got in clean PJ's and watched some tv, and played Littlest Pet Shop toys together in the living room floor. We also caught part of the Chiefs game today, and it was exciting for a little while, but they ended up losing to the Colts. I got a little bit of housework done including killing 1 zillion ants in our frustrated with those. Later this afternoon we drove through Dairy Queen (in our PJ's) and got ice cream and drove through the park to see the animals. Asher likes the goats and the buffalos the best. It has just been a really nice day! I only wish Kris hadn't had to work today...he would have enjoyed it. This evening we're having Creamy White Chili for dinner, and just going to hang out and wait for Daddy to come home from work.
I see the doctor this week on Thursday morning, can't wait to hear sweet Claire's heartbeat again. We have been calling her Claire, but we're still working on that middle name. I am really feeling lots of movement now, and can kind of feel those individual limbs, when she stretches or kicks...I love very's the best feeling.
I think that's all for now. I hope everyone has a blessed week!
Style Showcase 283
18 hours ago
1 comment:
Oh I love feeling a baby move inside the womb. There really isn't a happier feeling.
I do hope you feel better, but I think the trip to DQ in your pj's could help just about anything. LOL!
Have a great day!!
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