Our sweet Claire turned two years old on February 18th! We feel so blessed to have our sweet girl...she is amazing! Just when you think she can't get any cuter, she gives you a "mmmmkiss" and a snuggle that will melt your heart! She has started sleeping in her big girl bed, and does really well until about 4 or 5 in the morning, and then she comes to climb in our bed with us. She is so big and tall, and wears a size 4T clothing, and can even fit in some 5T's. We haven't started potty training, but she is showing some interest, so we might start to work on that this summer. She loves, and I mean, LOVES Dora the Explorer! We don't even have the NickJr. channel, but we have watched videos on Netflix, and she is just crazy about her! She has a tiny Dora that Katie got her for Christmas that she carries around everywhere, and my sister recently brought her a little Dora figurine that has now become her BFF too! She is so funny! She can say almost any word that you ask her to repeat, and it's so cute to watch her point out all of her or your body parts! Ha! She loves her brother and sister, and likes to be near one of them at all times. She loves to dance, and dances like crazy to the music at church! It's adorable to see her praising the Lord in her own little way! We hope you always find a way to love and praise God, Pumpkin...it's the most important thing! We love you so very much!
Style Showcase 283
18 hours ago
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