For about a year now, Asher has been obsessed with Star Wars! He absolutely loves it! He loves the movies, he loves the TV series, he loves all of the characters, he is just crazy about it! So naturally he asked for a Star Wars themed birthday. We have been on a pretty tight budget, so I had to be creative in finding affordable decorations and party ideas. I just wanted to share some of those here so he can remember his special day, and so that anyone else on a tight budget might have some hope that a themed party is doable! Many of these ideas I found on Pinterest. There are tons of amazing and frugal ideas! The best part about kid's parties is that they love EVERYTHING whether it's perfect or expensive or not! So give yourself a break, Mama, they will love it, just because YOU did it for them!

I made his cake, and since it was supposed to be a fiery lava lake, it was very forgiving and didn't have to be perfect! I grabbed a couple of his star wars guys, washed them up and put them on top of the cake! You can find these playschool action figures at Dollar General for $3.00 each!
For light sabers, I used pool noodles cut in half, then we used duct tape and black electrical tape to make the handles.
One of my favorite parts of a birthday are balloons, so I grabbed 5 foil silver stars at the Dollar Tree! I grabbed Asher's Darth Vader out of his room and poked him in a bowl full of candy for a fun addition to the table!
Wal-Mart had a 10 or 12 pack of bubble wands for a great price so I tied on the little thank you cards that came with his invitations, and each guest took one home along with a bag of Darth Vader's candy!
I decorated our mantle with Asher's Star Wars toys, and bought the banner and swirly decorations at Wal-Mart for around $3 each.
I forgot to take a picture of the green punch after it was made, but it was simply lime sherbet and a bottle of 7-up stirred together! I bought a package of the store bought cups from Wal-Mart, but thought I might need more, so I stuck some of Asher's Star Wars stickers onto inexpensive clear cups. The kids actually preferred those because they could pick out their own character! Asher had fun taking his action figures and "decorating" with them while I was getting everything ready. :)
I made tie-fighter s'mores with graham crackers, chocolate icing, and marshmallows. I downloaded the Stars Wars font and printed out the little signs for each snack. Asher helped out by adding the stickers to each sign.
I had planned to make homemade no-bake cookies for the Wookie Cookies, but ran out of time and energy. I bought Star Crunch Little Debbie snack cakes and glued on candy eyes with chocolate icing. These were a hit!
Asher had a great 7th birthday! So thankful that some of his friends from school, and some of our neighbors could come. He had a great time, and made some great memories!