Every week I am so thankful. Every week I am in disbelief. Every week I feel INCREDIBLY blessed to be having this baby boy. It's hard to believe that in about 14 weeks, I will be holding him in my arms instead of feeling him bump around inside of me.
Kris worked on Asher's room a little more this weekend. He is thinking we might have to hang new doors in his room. When he took the trim off the doors, he broke one of the door frames...yikes! He was able to get the ceiling fan installed, and filled all of the nail holes to get ready to paint. We're looking for a remnant of carpeting that is big enough to do both his and Katie's room and closets. It would be so nice to have that all done before Asher arrives.
We had a good weekend together. Kris was off Friday, Saturday and Sunday (day). We watched a couple of episodes of Little House on the Prairie from my new Season 2 DVD's. We went for a short hike at Elk City Lake. I had some pretty good Braxton-Hicks contractions over the weekend, so I kind of took it easy. It was nice to be home with Kris and Katie. We only have about 12 more weekends with just the three of us, so we're trying to make them count! Katie and Kris were having a small wrestling match on the living room floor and Katie said the funniest thing...she told Kris she was going to give him a "butter" sandwich, because she couldn't think of "knuckle" sandwich. It was so funny...I couldn't stop laughing!
I have decided that since I cannot use my usual New Year's Resoultions of losing weight, exercise, etc. that I never can keep anyway, that I will try some easier, more creative ones. One of them is to write more letters (actual letters-on paper), and get back in touch with people that I haven't talked to in a while. So far, I have written and mailed two letters...one to my Aunt Waunita, and one to my friend Jennifer Buckbee. I'm a weirdo-I know!
Ok-time for 3 random things that make me happy:
Strawberry-Banana Yogurt with bananas and pecans...yum.
Clean sheets.
Listening to Katie giggle and laugh.
:o) That's all for now.
Style Showcase 283
19 hours ago
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