Happy update: I called dr. on Friday to see what the results were from this big long test, and I passed-she said everything was fine---sooo incredibly thankful. I am going to watch my sugar like a hawk from now on!
I failed my one hour glucose test yesterday, so today I'm having to do the 3 hour one...ugg...so not fun. Also-can I just grump for one minute? Kris let Katie sleep with us again last night, and I just cannot keep letting her do that. I need to get good sleep at night. I have woke up so grumpy all the mornings that she sleeps with both of us. It's different when there's only us two, but three's a crowd. I grumped at Kris this morning for me not having a real winter coat to wear, I grumped at Katie for pretty much everything this morning, AND I grumped at a co-worker...and I hurt his feelings, I know. Lord, please forgive me for my crazy grumpy behavior. Ugg...I hope this day gets better.
Good grief, and my devotion from Colossians this morning was about clothing yourself with kindness, gentleness, compassion, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I haven't even considered doing yet. Lord, please be with me, and help me be what YOU want me to be...not what I FEEL like being...
Style Showcase 283
19 hours ago
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