We're 34 weeks along this week! We only have 5 or 6 weeks to go! Our baby shower was so nice, and we have a really wonderful little supply of baby goodies now! Our church shower is this coming Sunday, and we're really looking forward to that as well--it will be so nice to have Asher's little room stocked up for his arrival! Jay and Kris worked on the nursery this weekend, it now has doors, and some trim! I think Kris is going to try and finish up the trim work and paint the doors and install door handles this weekend, then I need to steam clean the carpet, and we'll be ready to move in his crib and changing table! Yay! :o)
I wanted to share a little thing that Katie said this morning. We were driving to school and I was telling her that it was almost garage sale season. She said she wanted to wait until it was warmer to have a garage sale, because our last one was TOO COLD! She was remembering our garage sale last spring during our move and it was soooo cold that day! She remembered that she had planned to wear capri's and flip flops that day, but had thankfully found some socks to wear in the stuff we were selling, and she said (with a huge grin), "God blessed me with socks that day!" It was too cute. Just this morning-BEFORE our drive to school-I was figuring bills and remembered a sermon by Joyce Meyer about her family "believing God for their socks" and having faith that God would supply her family's needs. I am believing that God is going to supply our needs--we may not have everything we want, but He will always take care of our needs.
Style Showcase 283
19 hours ago
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