We are 35 weeks along this week, and I am so relieved that it's almost over! 4 or 5 weeks to go...I am really hoping that this little guy will come a week early! I just cannot wait for him to be here...none of us can...we just want to hold and hug and kiss him! I've been feeling ok, with some contractions here and there...but nothing too exciting. I've not really had a lot of swelling yet, but I do feel sudden urges to take a nap and MANY urges to go to the ladies room!
We had our church baby shower this weekend, and it was really nice. Baby Asher is a very blessed little guy to have so many people who love him already! We received several duplicates of things we had received at last weekend's shower, so we are thinking we will do some exchanging and get his crib mattress and a couple other things we still need. The girls at our main office got me a Target gift card, so I ordered his changing table pad and a "diapee and wipee" pack from Target.com...fun stuff! :o)
Kris and Jay worked on the nursery again this weekend, and got all of the trim put up. We need to put another coat of paint on the doors, and put on the hardware, and it will be all finished and ready to move in! :o) I can't wait! I will be so glad to have his bed all set up, and his changing table organized, etc. I have been nesting like crazy, and it has been hard to be patient with his room getting done!
Katie has spring break next week, and Kris is taking the week off too...so they will hopefully get some good quality time in-just the two of them- before baby brother gets here. We're planning to make a road trip to Tulsa to the Build-A-Bear workshop on the 19th, to celebrate Katie's birthday a month early, in case Asher decides to show up on or near her actual birthday. She has requested to go to IHOP for breakfast, and we're trying to make arrangements for a friend to go with her, too...so it should be a fun day! I see Dr. on Tuesday, so hopefully she will check me and make sure things aren't "happening down there" so we can make a safe trip on Wednesday. Yay! It's hard to believe our baby is turning 8 years old...where did the time go?
Style Showcase 283
19 hours ago
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