Baby Stuff...We have a doctor's appt. with our OB/GYN on Friday, July 23rd. She's on vacation this week, so we had to wait until the first available appointment next week. Jenny, Dr.'s nurse asked me if I had begun taking prenatal vitamins, and asked if everything seemed to be going ok. Jenny was with us all throughout our pregnancy with Asher, so she knows a little bit of history of our years of trying, etc. She was excited for us. Having an appointment makes it seem so much more real. I'm feeling ok. I have had just tiny little bouts of nausea, and have had little cramps here and there...those scare me so much, but I know that every pregnancy is different. I had those little cramps with Katie and Asher, but I was much sicker with both of them by this point. I'm just praying that things are ok in's difficult to imagine loving another little someone as much as I do Katie and Asher...but I already do...I love this little tiny blueberry!
House Stuff...We are trying to decide whether to lower the price on our house again. One of the houses in our price range on the next block sold, so I still have hope that maybe our house might be right for someone. They moved to a larger house here in town, and I saw them moving today. I have to admit that I was a tiny bit jealous, and even teared up just a little bit (pregnancy hormones, I'm completely sure!). I just want our house to sell so badly. We have a number in our head that would allow us to pay off our mortgage, pay the commission, pay the closing costs, and pay off our lawnmower that we bought for the new house. It's $3K less than our asking price now, but I am just not sure if we should drop the price or not. We've been sort of praying about the price change, and I pray all of the time about selling the house...I know that God has the divine plan. I just wonder how this measily house selling business could be important to him with so many much more important needs happening all around us. I know HE is infinite...and has limitless capabilities...I just wish I knew what will be happening with our house. We talked to Marilyn about a time frame or deadline of when we would need to know about renting her home or not renting it. She has asked that she be able to move forward with other plans at the end of the year if we're not out there. She has been amazingly generous and patient with us. We know that has been a huge gift from God! Things will work out someday, and I am so ready and anxious for that day!
Summer Stuff...Katie is going to VBS in Tyro this week, and has Missionary Fun Day, and FaithWeaver Friends this week too, busy, busy, BUSY! I think I am going to take the kids to Big Hill Beach tomorrow. We just need to get out of the house. It's only $1 for each adult and kids 12 and under are for a little bit of gas, and $1 we can go play in the sand and water. Asher has never been to the beach before, so it might just be a great big adventure for him. I think I will pack the cooler full of cold fruit and water bottles, with some homemade chocolate chip cookies and maybe a couple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And of course...I will definitely bring the camera! Maybe it will be fun to get out for the day!
Style Showcase 283
18 hours ago
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