Yay! I am praying that we will be able to see if we're having a boy or a girl, but mostly I just want to see a healthy, growing baby in there! I am really struggling with not being able to feel the baby move. I try to feel it, I lay still, sit still, move around, rub my belly, talk to the baby, I've tried everything! I just have very little feeling in my belly area. I loved that experience with Katie and Asher, and it will break my heart if I never get to feel this sweet baby move. Maybe as baby gets bigger, I will feel those sweet feet.
I will be 19 weeks along on Thursday. I feel a lot better, morning sickness seems to be over for the most part (Thank Goodness!). I just have that full/bloated feeling now, and don't feel like eating too much.
Katie wants to go to the sonogram with us, but we haven't decided exactly what to do yet. I would love for her to see her new baby brother or sister, but I am afraid of how she would feel if something wasn't right. I know I just worry too much! We'll probably let her go, so it will be all four of us in that little sonogram room anxious to see our new baby!
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18 hours ago
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