We have internet again! Yahoo! We were able to get internet only for $14.95 without a phone line, and I am just so thankful. I have been lost...I didn't realize how much I used the internet, for checking the weather, for looking up recipes, for balancing the checkbook, paying bills, and most importantly, for connecting with other people...I missed it so much this past month. Anyway, I'm back, and just feel so happy to be blogging again!
My sister posted on facebook that this was the first day of her favorite months...the "ber" months...and I agree! I am so happy that fall is on it's way and August is over! Katie started 5th grade today! She loves her new teacher, and is so happy to be back to school. She loves it, and I love it that she's learning more about God as she learns regular school stuff.
Asher seemed to enjoy having Mom and Dad all to himself today...he is cute and is putting lots of words together. He now says "Lub you Mama"...it completely melts my heart! He is able to tell us pretty much everything using real words now, even though it's just Alexander language apparently, because lots of people can't understand what he's saying! He is a cheeseball...and just growing so fast.
We are heading into week 16 of growing this sweet baby! We'll have our sonogram to find out if we're expecting a girl or boy the week of September 20th, cannot wait to find out! I'm looking forward to doing some thrifting and sewing to get ready for this sweet new arrival. We've decided that a boy would certainly be easier, because of bedrooms and baby supplies already on hand, but a girl would be an amazingly fun surprise too! Whatever happens, we are blessed! I can instantly think of 10 families that are desperately trying to get pregnant or adopt a baby, and why God chose us to bless with this little one is beyond me...it's so humbling, and so amazing. I've been praying extra hard for people that I know that want a baby so badly. I know that it's heartbreaking to want someone in your life so much and not have it happen
Our house is still on the market, but I'm almost wondering if God wants us to stay here. It's been such a confusing thing. I don't understand it, but I know God knows the reasons, and his plans are perfect. I just have to keep reminding myself of this and trusting in it completely. Letting anxiety go is the hardest part for me. I've begged God to release me from it, but I just don't know how to "physically" let go of the anxiety in my heart. Pregnancy hormones+Anxiety= me an emotional fruitcake sometimes...poor Kris. It will all work out...for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, plans not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future...Jeremiah 29:11
Style Showcase 283
18 hours ago
1 comment:
Hi Karrie! It's so nice to meet you. I'm really hoping that this comment doesn't turn into a book. LOL!
We have been trying off and on to sell our home for 3 years and this past year we came as close to moving as ever. We had 10 days till closing and the buyer backed out because of a lower appraisal then agreed upon price. I was 95% packed and now it was a no deal. THAT made us question whether or not the Lord wanted us to move BIG time. But after taking a month to unpack and settle back in my husband still has the urge to move off the beach. This desire does not go away so we are constantly questioning whether or not if it's God's will. It's so hard because it "looks" like the answer is no. But who knows the mind of God? So we are actually thinking about putting our home BACK on the market. Oy! It's been a roller coaster to say the least. But we believe that if it weren't His will then the desire to move wouldn't be so strong and would have gone away with all the turmoil that's happened. We just keep praying and hanging in there.
Enough about that! I do pray that you all find a buyer though and can move pass this hurdle.
On another note, I'm very excited about your new arrival. I have one girl and 2 boys and regardless of why, boys are just easier. LOL!
Either way I hope it's a perfectly healthy baby!
Well there's my book! LOL! I will close for now before I let you know how I love thrift stores and redoing furniture and sewing and....... LOL!
Have a fabulous day!
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