Well, according to the sonograms we had last week, this is actually our 18th week, not last week...so I am just saying we are around 18-19 weeks along. I've really been feeling baby move around a lot, and I just LOVE that feeling.
Our weekend went by fast. We got up really early on Saturday morning to go to Kris's parents shop to help with their Christmas Open House. We got things set up, and then went to a few flea markets/antique malls to browse. I must have not been in the "mood" to go flea-marketing, because I didn't buy one single thing all day. It was just a long, tiring day. We got home around 8pm, and all went to bed. Yesterday was just kind of a rough day. I didn't feel so great, we got around late and missed church, then we all took a big nap in the afternoon. I think we were all three so tired from Saturday.
We officially have plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas with Kris's family. We are having Thanksgiving dinner with them this coming Sunday at Jill's house, and then Christmas Eve will be at our house.
Kris has to work Thanksgiving Day, but we are having dinner at my parents, so he will get to go with us and take a giant nap at Mom and Dad's. I'm really looking forward to that day. We have so many things to be thankful for this year. I was thinking back on 2007, and so many things have happened. Crystal and Michael had their car accident in April, their car flipped end over end once, and rolled two times, and all five of them were miraculously not injured. Also in April, Grandma Rench went to Heaven, even though it's painful for us, it's wonderful for her. She is with the two loves of her life: Jesus and Grandpa. Bobby got married to a great girl, Mary Ann, and they had their first baby, little Tre...what a blessing he is! And, of course, our pregnancy...what a miracle that is. I know there are other things that happened this year, that are really such amazing blessings...and I am so thankful for them...even though I might not remember them now.
We were saying our prayers together before dinner last night, and after we were finished, I told Katie that part of the reason we were getting our baby was because of her prayers. She has prayed every night, for probably the last year and a half for a baby. She always prayed, "Please let Mama get a baby in her tummy, and let it be a girl, and let it look just like me, only littler." I'm not sure if the girl part will be answered, but He sure has answered the baby part. I just love that little girl, she is an amazing blessing...we love her so much...even when she is ornery...she is still our sweet pea, and she always will be.
Style Showcase 283
18 hours ago
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