Sunday, June 08, 2008

More smiles!

We've been loving these smiles from our sweet boy! They are the absolute best! We had a good weekend, we went to the lake to visit Kris's parents again...we've really been enjoying spending time there. Katie loves riding on the golf cart down to the water's edge. It's beautiful at sunset.

I am still trying to understand God's plan for me to either go back to work or somehow stay home. I have been praying (begging, actually) for Him to make a way for me to be a stay at home mom, but I know the right thing to do is to pray for His will. I know He has everything under control...I just wish I could know what the next weeks and months hold for us. I am scheduled to go back to work in July, I'm praying for something to happen between now and then to allow me to stay home. If you're reading this, and don't mind praying...please, please do.

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