Thursday, September 15, 2011

Simple blessings...

I just have so many things I'm thankful for this afternoon...can I share some of them? 

  • It's cool here today, 59 right now, with a low of 49 tonight...brrr...and I couldn't be happier!
  • Our house smells like barbeque that's been simmering in the crock pot all day...yum!
  • My Asher was just eating his cup of yogurt and randomly decided to tell me he loves me...melts me!
  • In just a few minutes Kris and Katie will be home, and all five of us will be together under one roof...I just feel better when we're all home together.
  • Our beautiful little Claire is taking a really nice nap, giving me a few minutes to brew some decaf and blog a little.
  • I have a candle burning...Autumn Leaves by Yankee...I just love fall scents and the flickery light of a candle burning!
  • I spent the morning with good friends, drinking coffee and sharing our lives always invigorates me to spend time with all of them...I am so blessed to have them.
  • I paid bills this afternoon, and I'm so thankful Kris has a's not glamorous, and we don't have a lot of money leftover, but we are so blessed that he has it.
  • I am so thankful for my savior, Jesus, who paid the price for my sins.  I feel overwhelmed sometimes when I think about him. I am reminded that even if I was the only person on earth, he still would have suffered and died for me alone.

1 comment:

MarytheKay said...

What a lovely thankful list!!

I LOVE that Yankee candle scent! :-)