Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hi.  This morning I was again resisting the holy spirit beckoning me to come read the Bible.  I pinned some things, changed some diapers, picked up dishes, everything else but read the bible!  Finally, I picked up the Bible...the scripture that God lead me to this morning was so comforting to me...I just had to share it.  I have been so burdened by guilt, which I know is not of God. These are the verses I stumbled upon this morning, just by randomly opening my Bible:

1 John 3:19-20...This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us.  For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.

In my study Bible it says this:  An oversensitive conscience can be quieted by the knowledge that God himself has declared active love to be an evidence of salvation.  He knows the hearts of all-whether, in spite of our shortcomings, they have been born of him.
I just have to trust in Him, trust that he loves me, even when I fall short, even when I make mistakes, knowing that my salvation is by faith and grace. 

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